Thursday, 17 January 2013

BOWEN Female Student Expelled for Giving “Head” to Another Student

Currently making big news across the Christian based Varsity is this hot gist we got that a female student was involved with another in Oral Sex. According to sources, a female student was recently expelled from BOWEN University for giving a colleague a ‘Blow Job’. The picture was said to have been stolen from the young man’s phone by his friends and spread.

Shortly after, it reached the VC of Bowen University who in turn took necessary action. This is becoming an issue we implore those in charge of the Nigerian educational system to provide solution to. Lesbianism and Gayism is fast creeping into our campuses and something must be done as a matter of urgency!

Culled from NX



  1. She is very stupid...How would you allow ur guy to take such picture in the first place....We guys are very careless....

  2. The Blogger: Olusheyi Caston-Dada,

    We have tried to contact you by email and phone.

    We write on the instruction of two of our clients regarding this particular defaming post with identifying pictures.

    As a first step before opening a case file on accused name, we contact all and any parties involved in a subtle form of persuasion to resolve.

    And on this note, we would like to ask if you have permission (verbal or in writing) from the said female student (or your referenced source - NX) to host identifying picture of the students in the defaming act? If the answer is no, or at least ambiguous, you might want to consider avoiding the possibility of facing defamation charges and/or damages by deleting this irresponsible post off your blog with all associated pictures and URLs.

    Reclaim Chambers, Swindon, CH.
