Saturday 23 March 2013

All You Need To Know About The First Sterling Bank SKETCHAMANIA Challenge

perception that artistically inclined undergraduates have of themselves in relation to corporate organisations, their acceptability
and the difference they can make given the opportunity and a suitable platform.
The designs so brought to life will be showcased at the final event billed for April 20, 2013 at the University of Lagos. The top three finalists as selected by the underlisted judges, would get N1m, N500,000, and N250,000, respectively.
Rules and Regulations:
Submission of Entries March 18 – April 4, 2013
Sketches/Designs for proposed uniforms for corporate guards, drivers and front desk officers should be uploaded in jpeg format on the
Sterling bank Facebook page with the participant’s name, course of study, school, student number, e-mail address and phone number.
Sketches/designs should: Represent the Sterling bank brand;

Be Original; Be Creative; Have an African touch; Have the ‘WOW’ factor
Participants should: get family and friends to ‘like’ their designs and the top 5 with the highest number of ‘likes’, will get prizes
Who is Eligible? Undergraduates of tertiary institutions in Lagos state- *All entries must be original works of the students. Any entry
found at any time to have violated this rule will be immediately disqualified.
Sending of Entries Entries should be uploaded on the Sterling bank Facebook page or taken to the closest Sterling bank branch in an
envelope addressed to:
The Brand Management & Communications Unit
Sterling Bank Plc
20 Marina

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