Tuesday 23 July 2013

Students invent award-winning soap to tackle malaria

Two students in Burkina Faso, Gérard Niyondiko and Moctar Dembélé, have pulled their science knowledge and resources together to invent a malaria-preventing mosquito-repelling soap, just in time for World Malaria day, April 25th.
The young men are students at Intsitut International de l’Eau et de l’Envirronement de Ouagadougou (International Institute of water and environment) in Burkina Faso and were awarded this year’s Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) $25,000 Grand Prize. Becoming the first student team from Africa to ever win the Grand Prize. Kudos!
Their invention, called Faso Soap, is made from karate citronella, and other herbs found locally in Burkina Faso, that are still a secret to the beauty industry.
“The soap will be available first here, and then given to NGO”, Gerard Niyondiko, Technical Manager of Faso soap said in a video.

The GSVC is the only international competition of Social Business Plans, dedicated to students, young graduates, and entrepreneurs with high social and/or environmental startups.

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