Thursday 27 February 2014

Nigerian Government Goes on With Centenary Celebration Despite the Killing of 43 School Children

It is highly unfortunate that we have insensitive people at the helms of affair in Nigeria. Despite the killings of 43 school children of Federal Government College that took place 2 days ago in Borno State, the Nigerian federal government is not moved or mourning the dead children and is still going ahead with the centenary celebrations which is gulping billions of naira of tax payers money.

In the massacre, the insurgents, according to sources, stormed the Federal Government College (FGC), Buni-Yadi, a boarding secondary school at about 11.30pm on Monday. “They came in many vehicles and motorcycles and opened fire on the students in their hostels. We have seen about 30 corpses,” a resident of Buni-Yadi said on phone yesterday. Buni-Yadi, headquarters of Gujba Local Government Area, is located in the eastern part of Yobe and about 55 kilometres to Damaturu, the state capital. The state Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Ahmed Rufai, confirmed 29 students were killed, but sources said the casualty figure could be higher. A source at the Sani Abacha General Hospital in Damaturu, told Daily Sun that the corpses were brought to the morgue yesterday afternoon. “They are over 29, I counted 32 this afternoon (Tuesday),” the source, who did not want his name in print, disclosed.

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