Saturday, 8 August 2015

UNIMAID Final Year Physics Student Constructs Solar Water Heater

A final year student of the University of Maiduguri, Borno State, UNIMAID, has constructed a solar water heater, a water heater utilizing the sunlight to produce a hot water for domestic hot water demand.

According to the student, Muhammad jaafar from the Department of physics, the solar water constructed from a locally available materials to minimize cost, made for simplicity of installation, reduce electricity bill and durability to meet domestic hot water demand.
The solar water heater can heat water up to 70°C which sufficient for domestic water demand.

He said; “A solar water heating system for domestic use has been designed and constructed using locally available materials. Solar energy is received by a flat-plate collector consisting of a thin absorber plate, integrated with grids of fluid carrying tubes, and placed in an insulated casing with a transparent glass cover having a water tank integrated in the system. 

The radiation emitted by the absorber plate cannot escape through the glass, thus increasing its temperature. On the principle of thermosyphon, hot water is pushed through the collector and rises by natural convection to the water storage tank and cold water from the water tank simultaneously descends to the bottom header of the collector by gravity pull.

The water gets heated and flows into a storage tank through thermosyphon principle. The system was tested and Maximum fluid output temperature and the collector temperature, of 75°C and 70°C respectively, were obtained on a sunny day. This solar water heating system finds useful application and acts as a renewable energy resource in regions where there is abundant and consistent sunlight.”

He further explained the working principle of the solar water heater , in his words ” Principle of operation of a flat-plate solar water heater, The solar radiation passes through the glass in front of the absorber plate and strikes the flat black surface of the absorber plate where the solar energy is absorbed as heat (i.e. by increasing the internal energy). 

He further explained the working principle of the solar water heater , in his words ” Principle of operation of a flat-plate solar water heater, The solar radiation passes through the glass in front of the absorber plate and strikes the flat black surface of the absorber plate where the solar energy is absorbed as heat (i.e. by increasing the internal energy).

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