Tuesday 8 September 2015

Unilever Nigeria Launches Re-packaged of Lux Soap

Unilever Nigeria Plc, has launched a re-packaged Lux soap into the Nigerian market with five variants that include Soft Care, Soft Touch and Velvet Touch, among others. It is targeted at helping women get the needed confidence and inspiration that would keep their relationship alive.

According to the company, the launch was informed by the need to assist couples, particularly women, in reigniting the spark in their relationship.
Speaking at the launch held in Lagos, marketing director, Unilever, David Okeme, stated that for a brand that has been in existence for close to a century, it was imperative to continue to re-inventing as this would help maintain the relevance and respect that consumers have for the brand.

He said, “Lux is a brand that is 90 years in the making and had served Nigerian women for the better part of their lives. We believe for such long years of existence, it is important for us to continue to renew it so that it would stay relevant to Nigerian women.

According the category manager, skin cleansing, Osato Evbuanwan, the purpose of the new Lux is to inspire confidence, empower our women to be able to ignite the spark in their relationship.

She said, “As a business, we place great premium on the needs of consumers. That is why they are at the heart of what we do. For that reason, having conducted research and come out with findings, we have decided to bring new offerings to the doorstep of our consumers, which we believe would promote closeness with their families.

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