Tuesday 8 March 2016

YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR: Interview With Step Up Clothing CEO , Babalola Omodolapo Kolade

He is one of the young entrepreneurs rocking the fashion and style scene in the South-west region of the country. His fashion label, Step-up is quite popular among campus students and young people due to their trendy and youthful designs. In this interview, he reveals to ACADA Magazine his staying power in the game and his plan to take the fashion label to a greater height. Enjoy!

How did you get into the Fashion Designing business?
It was after I lost my job at a telecommunication company that I decide to learn Fashion and Branding. That was around year 2010 - 2012, though it wasn't easy to leave an office job and decide to learn handwork. Though friends make jest of me when I was starting out but I gave God the glory today.
How were you able to raise the initial start-up capital?
No capital oooo. The most interesting thing about fashion is that when your work speaks for you, even before you finish learning you can have your clients and make some money from them. So no real capital, I just started small and keep building it gradually.
What were the initial challenges you face when you started?

Seriously that was tough, because in fashion, building your label is very difficult. Like a customer once told me then that she can't give me work because I don't have an office.  It takes a while before we could start having our own clients.
What has kept you going in the business?
 It’s been God I must be sincere and another thing is good handwork because when most customers wear their outfit people ask them who made it and they direct them to me. Also social networks help because we use it to promote our work.
Can you tell us about your educational background?
 I am a graduate of UniIlorin and am planning to go for my masters at OAU next year by God grace.
Can you share with us some of your memorable campus experience?
Hmmm… school life is so interesting. I do remember how my course mates do mock lecturers and also problems of coping with all sorts of roommates. 
Where do you see Step Up Clothing in few years to come?
In some couple of years, I see Step Up Clothing as an international fashion label like Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Zara, Calvin Klein, etc.
What has the business thought you?
Customers do praise and smile after delivery of their works which am always happy about though sometimes we face problems with some customers because I can't satisfy all. It has thought me to be patient.
What do you think of today’s youth and unemployment?
Some youths lack con
fidence in themselves, they don't believe they can create something new and unique instead they want to copy another person's idea while some problem is lack of communication and exposure to modern technology. 
What’s your advice to young people out there who are planning to start up their own business?
 My advice to youth that are really interested in b
ecoming an entrepreneur is that they should be determined and focus though it always rough when starting out but with perseverance and dedication, all will end in praises.

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