Monday, 21 November 2016

Glo's Professor Johnbull highlights damaging impacts of rumour mill

The exciting episodes of the Glo- sponsored sitcom, Professor Johnbull continues this Tuesday with yet another thought-provoking episode titled 'Radio Without Battery.'
The episode which focuses on the dangers of gossiping and tale-bearing on the society will air on NTA Network, NTA International on DSTV Channel 251 and NTA on Startimes at 8:30 p.m.
Globacom, the exclusive sponsor of the TV drama series said in a statement on Monday that “"Radio without Battery promises a comprehensive dissection of the age-long habit of gossip and the inherent dangers and bad blood false alarm is capable of generating even among family members." 

"As viewers of the series stay glued to their television sets to savour the weekly tonic, they will be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of the gossip mills, false alarm, tale bearing and rumour mongering," the statement read.
The telecoms company also stated that the title of this week's episode which is apt and germane "will no doubt jab our conscience as we  examine ourselves to see if at one time or the other, we have caused unnecessary acrimony in the society because of rumour peddling or inaccurate report of incidents."
Asides the topicality of the issues treated in this episode, viewers will be kept in immense suspense as the drama unfolds.
What happened to Flash Boy? Was he really shot? Can the erudite Professor handle the situation his family is faced with? What toll does Ufoma's ignorance take on her.
Watch the usual cast, Ufoma, acted by Bimbo Akintola, Churchill (Jnr. Pope Odonwodo), Flash (Stephen Odimgbe), Mai Doya, starred by Funky Mallam, Etuk (Imeh Bishop) and the inimitable Professor Johnbull (Kanayo O. Kanayo).
Viewers can tune in for a repeat broadcast of the episode on Friday at the same time and stations.

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