Tuesday 25 February 2020

Exclusive Interview With Rising Nollywood Actress and OAP, Oluwakemi Iyanda

Don’t Be Desperate To Be A Star

She can best be described as the true meaning of the popular phrase ‘Beauty and Brain’. Oluwakemi Iyanda is a young lady with multifaceted parts, a Model, ex Beauty Queen, On-Air-Personality on Orisun TV where she anchors Miliki Express, Ojumo Ire and Owambe, and also an Actress. In this exclusive interview with Acada Magazine, she let us in into her world as she speaks about her foray into showbiz and entertainment. Enjoy!

So how has the journey been so far? 
So far, the journey has been awesome (smile) and challenging but passion and the grace of GOD brought me this far.

You were into modeling, how did you become an OAP? 
YES. It has always been what I wanted while doing modeling; I was also looking out for opportunities to become a media personality and when the opportunity shows, I grabbed it with both hands.  

 How did you get into acting? 
Just like I said before, I have always wanted to go into entertainment, acting to be precise. So I started by going for movie auditions, since then, God has been faithful. 

So do you have formal training in acting?
Wow! It’s God’s given talent I must say, my skills got improved while learning on the job. In short,  I'm still learning (smiles).

Can you tell us some of the movies and TV dramas you have starred in?
Some of them are Alagbara, Entrapped, Survival of Jelili, The Adventure, Tangled Mercy, etc.

Were your parents in support of your chosen career when you first started? 
Well, my dad wanted me to be an Air Hostess. I would have been a beautiful one though, but no way, the acting wood (LOL) inside of me did not let me rest.

Starting out as a model, later gravitating towards TV presentation and now into acting, how does it feel? 
It’s been a great journey. It gives me so much joy for the fact that I'm able to fit perfectly into all that you mentioned. That's multitasking you know.

You have a comical Instagram alter ego Iya Mufu, what’s the idea behind this?
I created the character to show the other part of me which is the funny and witty character. And I’ve been getting very positive comments regarding the character.

What has been your experience in Nollywood?
Experience they say is a great teacher. I must say I have learned, I have seen so much in this industry but the most important thing that works like magic is the humility and ability to scale through against all odds.
You need to be humble. Humility is a very important factor in dealing with people in the industry regardless of whom you are or who they are. Nollywood is a different world entirely 
Based on my experience in Nollywood, there are so many people gunning for just a role, that's why you need to be up and running to stay relevant otherwise you will be left out. 
Another thing I experienced is that, there are two things you can't put together as far as the industry is concerned, your private life and the job.
As I said, Nollywood is a different world on its own. Be it the good, the bad and the ugly. Just be yourself and protect your image.

What is your growing up like? 
Growing up was fun (smile)... I can play for Africa (lol) mo n ro fo ejo, irokuro ni mi o ro (lol), but I was the indoor type, (omole gate) I don't keep friends and it affected me till date. My mum was fun but very strict. Myself and my siblings hardly go out to play to avoid MR RED (Egba, that's  the name of the koboko (horse whip)) staying indoors all times you must be wondering how I got into entertainment especially the IYA MUFU part of me (lol). Trust me, talent can't be hidden. I cracked jokes with my parent and siblings since we couldn't go out to play it has to be in the compound oh! My Dad, he's a very simple man who does not like to beat us, but any little thing, you will hear "go and carry your book" (lo gbe we e, ko mo ka!) I love my dad so much but don't get me wrong I love my mum; we are like 5 and 6. She’s is my gist partner now. It was MR RED I hated.

 Your family background and education.
I'm from a family of four, 2boys and 2girls of which I am the first child of an Edo woman and Yoruba man from Osun state. I had my primary and secondary school education in Lagos. A graduate of Olabisi Onabanjo University where I studied Mass Communication.

Your experience again. What was it like during your campus days?
I did not really socialize while I was in school because I was a very shy person. The only thing I did was modeling. So if it's not class then, I'm home or hanging out with few friends basically to celebrate their birthdays, very few, I mean a few. Meanwhile, some people thought I was proud on campus because I hardly talk.

You've won many beauty pageants. Can you tell us about the major once and your experience as a beauty queen? 
 Yes it was a great experience. I did several beauty pageants contest but these are the major ones. In 2007, I contested for the Face of University courtesy of Acada Magazine. God so good I came second. It was a picture context. In 2008, I contested for Miss Tourism Nigeria held in Tinapa and finally, in 2009, I emerged as Miss Tourism Oyo State crowned by the Oyo State Ex Governor’s wife Mrs. Kemi Akala. All these made me believe in myself that I could actually do more looking at the number of people I contested with in all the competitions. Also, I learnt beauty was not enough to get it done; you just have to believe in yourself by bringing out the inner beauty, strength and great confidence within you.

Coming back to movie production, what's your take on the allegation of sex-for-roles usually leveled against movie producers and directors?  
In my own opinion, SEX IS EVERYWHERE, it’s now depends on how you present yourself alongside your self discipline. No matter how much you want something don't be too desperate. THERE'S TIME FOR EVERBODY. No Director or Producer can force you to do what you don't want to do 

Has any director demanded sex from you in exchange for a role? 
No, I’ve not experienced such.

How do you choose the movies you star in?
I really don't choose movies I star but I’m always critical of the scripts and the story before I accept roles.

How long does it take you to get into a character and possibly get out of it? 
All I need to do is to understand the story, the character then interpret, after which, switching in and out is easy.

What is style to you?
As the saying, character surpasses beauty, style or anything related to it. So for me, humility, good character, and confidence is style to me 

What is or are your favorite fashion items? 
I don't have favorite fashion items.  All I know is, looking good is a big deal for me.

Your signature perfume. 
Wow! I love good smelling perfumes, but I don't have a favourite but I love to wear men's perfume because they’re kind of stronger.

Are you into labels? Who are your favorite designers?  
No I’m not. I wear what sits well on me.

What is your beauty regimen? 
I worry less; I give myself peace of mind. 

Your favorite beauty products.  
 I don't have a specific product. I keep my skin supple with organic and I make sure I eat good and healthy food.

When not on location or working, how do you relax? 
Well it depends on my mood. I like what I feel like doing at that particular leisure time.

So at home what do you? 
Relax, I make phone calls, shout, play, create content and edit my skits, that's all.

Do you watch your movies? 
Yes, but not all the time. 

So do you criticize the movies you starred in? Maybe see something you thought you could have done better. 
Yes I do. I make sure I watch the movies I starred in over and over again in other to see the areas where I need to improve my skills. 

Where do you consider to be your favorite holiday spot? 
I love to go to the seaside to see nature’s beauty. Trust me; the ambiance is second to none.

Aside from acting and TV presentation, what other things or business are you into? 
I make comedy skit on social media most especially ON IG. I'm fondly called Iya Mufu.

How long did it take before you get accepted into the industry? 
I can't really say how long, it's doesn't matter how long it takes, it's all grace.

Which movie will you say gave you the BIG BREAK? 
It's not a movie, it TV presentation and Iya Mufu comedy skit on social media, which now gives me many acting roles.

What inspires you?
Success. I’m highly inspired by success stories.

You have been able to stay off controversies and scandals, what is the secret? 
I mind my business; I really don't keep friends, so there is no time for small talks. But I know, no matter how much you try to stay off controversies and scandals some people will still try to cook up something mostly for money and trends.

 Are you a romantic lady? 
Lol, I'm a lover girl, so I will say yes to that.

What do you look out for in a man? 
First, he must be God-fearing and loving; I also love a respectful man because it's a big factor for me.

As a celebrity, how do you handle male fans and advances from men? 
Being a celebrity is not a factor, I respond to them as every normal lady would. But no matter how peaceful you try to be, you would still have some unreasonable ones, so I handle those with complete silence. 

What would you describe as the craziest thing a fan has ever done to you?
I have not experienced any crazy act from a fan. My fans have mostly shown love to me. Except for the ones that criticize, and I think that is acceptable.

What production are you currently working on and what should your fans expect from it? 
I am currently working a project and my fans should not expect anything less than they've got from me.

Who is Oluwakemi Iyanda? Describe your personality. 
Oluwakemi Iyanda is a loving, hardworking, energetic and optimistic person.

What advice can you give to young people looking up to you as a role model and those that might want to take up acting as a career? 

Always remember that you are unique, and don't aspire to be just like someone else. Always know that you can be better. Make good use of your time and stay focused on your goals.