Saturday 3 November 2012

BHISOLAR BUSTY - Diary Of A Randy Campus Chic…. Rated 18+

I was eager to get home because I have missed my siblings and friends so much that I can’t just wait to get home, especially my funny lil brother, Jide.  My mum made it exactly 9am as she promised to show up. I took up my bags and she helped me with one of it and I bade Shewa good bye as she was the only one that is left. She’s having some issues to sort on one of her papers. I can see tears dropping from my eyes. She brought out a handkerchief to wipe the tears. I know I’m gonna terribly miss her. She’s my confidant. We will always ping and chat sha. I jumped into mum’s car and we zoomed off. We got home in less than an hour; mum could be such a terrific driver at times. Dodging the traffic and overtaking at will. I sometime catch my breath when she over speed but she’s always cautious. I almost forgot. We stopped-by at Mobil Filling Station, Maryland to buy fuel and since I’m yet to eat breakfast, I begged mum to let me get snacks at the eatery nearby before she finishes. As I stepped in my eyes came in contact with this gorgeous dude. He was staring at me too as if we’ve met before. I quickly adjusted and smiled. I was behind him on the queue and I know he must been going through a tortuous moment because he couldn’t look back at will because of the people in the eatery. He placed his order and moved to the side for me to place mine and told the cashier to machine the two orders together and he paid. He later asked for my name and gave his name as Fred. He is a US based student and just returned home for holiday as well. I told him my mum is waiting in the car and he collected my number. 

 By the time we got home, dad was already out to attend some meetings and my brother and the housemaid were so happy to see me. I gave them out of the snacks that I bought and made for my room. I immediately jumped on my bed. I’ve really missed my bed and my giant Teddy Bear. Mum later called out to me that she was going out again to get some food items and groceries. I was undressing in front of my big dressing mirror (we only have a fairly big one back at the hostel that you can barely see your upper part) and I was looking at me. Gosh! I was amazed at what I’m seeing. Mad hips, not too big ass, full rounded and pointed boobs. I’m 36b and you won’t believe it’s still standing firm and pointed. No wonder all these boys want to have me and kill their selves over me. I just simply said to myself, “Ol’ gal, you’re rightly endowed! God I thank you oooo!”.
I later changed into a hot pant and tank top. My brother rushed in and started jisting me about life in school and his escapades. We were at this when my phone rang. Guess who? Fred. He said he’s calling to confirm the number and to give me his since I didn’t collect it the other time. He later asked if I will be chanced later in the day to see a movie with him and I replied in affirmative and we agreed to meet by 5pm at Barcelos since we stay inside the Ikeja GRA. I told him to beep me if he’s like 5 minutes to the place because I won’t like to be lurking around there waiting for him. 

Dad came back around 2pm in time for launch and he was so happy to see me. Checking me out and se how grown I’ve become. We chatted and he took me to his room and gave me a big bag filled with all the things he bought for me. He now asked me to close my eyes and brought out a box. He asked me to open my eyes. Guess what I saw? An Apple i-Phone. Gosh! I flunked myself at him and gave him a big hug, and told him, “Daddy you are the best”. We all later had lunched. 

I went into my room after launch to relax because I was over-filled. It’s been long I ate homemade food nau. I later drifted into a deep sleep. It was my house maid that came to woke me up around 4pm because I told her to wake me since I’m going out on a date. I later went to shower. I took out one of my new flowered patterned short dress. I didn’t want to reveal too much, but there is no how you won’t notice my bhaddd curves and sexy boobs, though the gown is not a low neck, but my half-bra did justice to both the boobs and the dress. I know within me I was looking damn hot and gorgeous. I dabbed and sprayed my Beyonce’s HEAT perfume. It’s quite sensual. The phone rang and I knew it was Fred. I picked it and he told me he’s almost there and I told him I’m on my way too since it’s just a walking distance. I got to Barcelos in no time. He was looking so tush too. Everything he had on was ‘to match’. He was really looking like a Yankee boy. He made compliments about my dress and look. I could see some chics already checking him out, I just took his hands and made for his car, a nice 2008 Honda Civic coupe car. I love cars o and I do read about them too. We were in time for the 6pm movies, and we watched No String Attached.  I’ve been longing to see the flick. We bought drinks and pop corn and seated to watch the movie. Minutes into the movie, there was a love scene and he just gently drew me close and placed my head on his shoulder. Few minutes later, he started running his fingers through my hair and I felt a shock running through my body. That was quite romantic. I didn’t know when my hand landed on his laps, running my fixed nails on it and later gently squeezing it and later moved up to his groin. As I’m about to made for his manhood, he quickly stopped me and reminded me we are at the movies and I gave him a sexy smile. My body was already set on fire and I can just wait for the movie to be over. 

It eventually ended and we made for the car for him to go and drop me at home. Before he starts the car, I drew his head close and kissed him passionately. He started the car and we drove off. I played naughtily with him all the way home, touching his manhood many times. It’s now so strong and almost bursting out of his jeans. Gosh! This dude is quite big ooo.
We later get to a few meters to my house and the area used to be quite dark. I ordered him to park and I could see he was surprised. I later came down and opened the seat and moved to the back seat. He quickly jumped in with me and we started fondling, kissing, necking and touching all the sensitive parts. He later made for my G-strings and I held his hand and asked if he has condoms, and he could only nodded and brought out some from his wallet and we continued fondling and smooching. My body could no longer take it anymore and I quickly made for one of the condoms, tore it and slide it into his strong manhood. You can guess the rest of the story. Catch you later. *wink*.


1 comment:

  1. Your stories are mad n so intereting, they even turn me on as a lady! Buh the gbagaunz r jus tooooo much, more lik a regular lagos bbe gbagaun! U shuld ask sme1 2 review ur rytupz b4 u post them! Toooo interesting I must sai!
