Wednesday, 6 May 2015
WONDERS - Baby born with wounds that resemble those of JESUS
The locals have called him the “Blessed” child, baby Jejomar Castillo was born on the morning of March 15, weighting 3.2 kilograms and bearing strange injuries on his face, hands and feet. These surprising sores are almost identical to the famous wounds suffered by Jesus, including the head wounds associated with the Crown of thorns and the wounds caused by the crucifixion itself.
The baby boy was born in Quezón City General Hospital, and locals in that city are fascinated by the reports of this baby’s injuries. More than 15,000 people were gathered outside the QuezFullSizeRenderon City General Hospital, hoping to see the “blessed boy”.
The people of the Philippines are mostly Christian and the majority of them are catholic. and news of this baby born with wounds that resemble those of Jesus Christ, has not only facinated many but caused many to think these are the signs of the time, some are even thinking of this as the saviour set to them.
The newborn boy bears wounds on his forehead, hands and feet. These sores bleed regularly and seem unable to heal completely.
News of a “miraculous child” rapidly spread across the hospital, then across the city, and a large crowd rapidly gathered outside the boy’s room and even around the hospital. Within a matter of hours, thousands of people surrounded the building in silent prayer.
FullSizeRender (2)The crowd has now been there for two days, praying and chanting religious slogans like “Welcome to the Saviour” and “Thank you God for sending Jejomar“. Many of the people on the site seem to associate the birth of this enigmatic child with the biblical Return of Jesus Christ.
However, according to one of the country’s top microbiological experts, Ph.D. Merlyn Cruz, the young boy suffers a very rare syndrome causing localised purpura, which is characterized by red or purple discolorations on the skin.
“I have to admit that this is an amazing case” says Doctor Cruz. “Only a handful of similar cases have been recorded throughout history, and it’s the first time on a baby, so the scientific knowledge accumulated about his pathology is very scarce. We are doing a series of tests to determine what these sores actually are and what is causing them to appear, but we have found nothing yet.”
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