Thursday 7 June 2018

Nigerian Advertising Agency, X3m Ideas Berths In South Central Africa

Nigeria’s top advertising agency, X3m Ideas has spread its winning tentacles to Southern region of Africa.  
This big move was recently announced on the Social Media pages of the agency’s CEO, Steve Babaeko.  
According to Babaeko, “Part of our 5 year plan was to extend the frontier of our operation to other parts of Africa. It’s been a tough and challenging adventure, a big lesson in patience and perseverance. All said and done, it gives me immense pleasure to officially announce our operation in South Central Africa. X3M Ideas SA PTY is now the arrowhead of our enterprise that is currently driving our footprint across South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
"This operation is part of the X3M Group but it’s a wholly independent operation with a different Board.
"Like I always tell our team, we are the Marines of the Advertising Industry; we look challenges in the eyes and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. We are X3M. Our dream is to leave indelible footprints across this great continent, this is only the beginning.”

Since opening shop some 5 years ago, it has been various success stories or another for the young agency which is already playing in the big league considering the juicy accounts the agency has in her kitty. The agency has also won many pitches and garners awards worldwide. 

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