Thursday, 17 November 2016

10 Tips To Skyrocket Your CGPA Next Semester

Gradepoints has been an essential asset students that are success-driven must possess. People often say G.P.A. Is just an added advantage to academics but I would say it is the result of total hardwork directed to the academic performance. Having a high Gradepoint is highly necessacary in possessing a good job after finishing the higher Institution or don’t you think?

According to the standard dictionary; A Gradepoint is a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course at a college or university multiplied by the number of credits awarded for the course. There are various ways of increasing or would I rather say boosting your Gradepoints in every semester of each session in school but I would discuss just 10 out of the numerous ways. They include:
·         Be knowledgeable about the calculation of gradepoints and regularity in class attendance: Being aware of how to calculate G.P.A. And also attending classes regularly, jotting notes and familiarising yourselves with the lectures help you raise your gradepoints a little bit higher than before. Having at least 70% percent in class attendance boosts one’s GPA.

·         Reconnaissance Study and Study group formation: This is the way of getting used to the strategy the lecturers set their questions, also setting questions by yourself, address the lecture’s attention to the right topics not understood in the class. Study group helps you to talk and discuss more about what you’ve learned and what you don’t understand.
·         Studying at the library and Research study helps you to be targeted at one goal which is focusing on what you want to read. It gives you access to resources that you don’t have. Browsing and using the Internet helps you to be a exposed to various aspects aside from lectures taught in classes.
·         Participating in class and adequate sleep enables you to have a high Gradepoints. Being involved with group discussions, assignments etc. Helps the lecturer know your eagerness to learn. Having enough sleep increases the ability to organise and recall informations and also helps in retaining what have been learnt.
·         Organising your daily activities in a time-table helps you to judiciously use your time. Being diligent to the strategic planned-out activities helps reduce the amount of time wasted.
·         Being competitive gives you an egde over other students. Trying to challenge the highest grade pointers in your department helps you to be strong and respected. .
·         Taking advantages of opportunities by lecturers to attain extra-credit helps boost your gradepoint.
·         Setting a goal and rewarding yourself by placing yourself above your present gradepoints helps you to be focused and serious minded. Rewarding yourself keeps you happy, agile and eager to learn more everyday in order to attain the highest peak of success.
·         Proper preparation for academic examinations by reading regularly before the set date helps you to have a proper gradepoints. Cramming is bad but reading to understand regularly is the best method for attaining higher gradepoints. Reading the day’s topic taught in class helps you to cover the syllabus just in time before the examination.
·         Reading without praying is like bread without butter. Prayer goes a long way in increasing our gradepoints. Without God in my academics, you’re just as useless as a lifeless body. So seek God in your academics and all other things like success, high gradepoints, jobs would be added unto you.

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