From the massive stage decorated with neon lightings stood some intimidating musical sets that reverberated with echoes of different music genre that thawed the silence of the night. From one act to another, the youthful audience was kept on their toes as they danced rhythmically to the tunes of the music. Chudy K got the audience going "gaga crazy” while Demi Krane excited the crowd with the biggest club banger, "My Dear".
The star performance of the night was Pasuma Wonder whose echo of talking drums perfectly mixed with his macho voice to produce pulsating Fuji sound. The captivated audience was enthralled in the music fiesta as they danced till the wee hours of Monday. It was simply awesome. And the people of Ijebu Ode will savour the memory of the music fiesta for a long time to come.
Amidst the vibration of a potpourri of sounds from different artistes, the audience also savoured some captivating side attractions, some of which elicited enormous laughter. Some guests went home with surprise prizes courtesy, Globacom. There were dancing competitions, miming, jokes, among other interesting side attractions.
However, the highpoint of the night was the fashion parade and the beauty pageant, which was won by elegant, ebony-black looking Awonuga Tomilayo. A youth corps member serving in Ibadan, 20-year old Awonuga, an indigene of Ogun State and a graduate of Economics from Babcock University, Ilisan, Ogun State, beat 10 other contestants to cart away the star prize of N100,000. She will reign as Ojude Oba Queen till the next edition of the festival.
Highly-elated Awonuga pledged to use her reign to “address the rising unemployment rate among the youth in Ijebu land by creating an economic empowerment programme.”
The first runner-up, Miss Aderinsola Awonaiya went home with N75,000, while the second runner-up, Miss Naomi Ayeni smiled away with N50,000.
Globacom has been in the fore-front of promoting Nigerian culture. This year, it brought some uniqueness into the sponsorship of major festivals by introducing some elements of corporate social responsibility. For instance, it donated a block of classrooms and an ICT laboratory at the Ofala and Ojude Oba festivals in Onitsha and Ijebu Ode respectively.
According to the company, it is another way of supporting the efforts of the government in promoting ICT in our post-primary institutions at the local communities.
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