Tuesday 25 February 2014


Speaking with Tosin Ajibade popularly known as OloriSupergal in the entertainment industry; she is an Accounting graduate from the Lagos State University, a social media entrepreneur and an entertainment enthusiast. In this exclusive interview with ACADA Managing Editor, Sunday Obembe, she chatted about her initial challenges as a blogger amongst other topical issues.

Being an entertainment enthusiast, how did you become a blogger?
The experience so far has being awesome and also challenging, on February 8th 2014 made it four years that I have been in the business, I learnt a lot of lessons and I am still learning, I am building myself, building the brand also and trying to push the brand more out there.

What were the challenges when you started?
Getting my first laptop and getting internet connection was a challenge and also to be consistent too; the online marketing needs one to be online all the time so as to upload information. I have overcome all of those challenging factors now.

What inspired you to be a blogger?
Nothing, I didn’t have any interest in becoming a blogger; just that I love getting and passing out information. I started with Facebook. But when my friend told me about blogging I tried using it but I didn’t know much about it then, so I did some training online through friends I met online. They taught me the dos and don’ts of the game. Setting templates and colour fonts, I really learnt a lot then and it’s seriously helping me now.

You presently go by the name Olori Supergal, how did you come about the name?
I gave myself Olori, a Yoruba word for a queen, and the name Supergal from the cartoon character Superman, I actually wanted to be different on Facebook because I was giving out information and people know me as Tosin Ajibade. When I was in secondary school I used to have nicknames that I didn’t like, so I chose Olori-Supergal because I love royalty and the Supergal it’s just to make me stand out.

How did your journey into entertainment and blogging?
I have a passion for entertainment right from my childhood, I wanted be to be on the TV, be a model and the likes, becoming a model didn’t work out so I continued with my education and worked with some names in the entertainment industry. I worked with the likes of Gbenga Adeyinka, Biodun Caston-Dada, Ayeni The Great, Seun Oloketuyi and others. Working with them was an eye opener for me because I learnt a lot from them.

Would you now say that being a blogger is paying your bills?
Yes it’s paying off, when I ventured into it; I didn’t know what I was going into. I had a passion and it was the passion that pushed me away from Facebook to blogging, then Twitter and presently I have a lot of accounts online and people say they see me everywhere, because any platform you talk about I am there, it keeps interesting as the days go by. And it’s paying me off both financially and intellectually.

How do you get your news stories?
We attend events; get PR news from Public Relations agencies managing different brands that want their stories published for them. We also get news from sources. In getting news from sources we verify the story properly before publishing.

Comparing social media and traditional media, what is your take?
I have big respect for those in the traditional media, because traditional media have always being there, with huge contribution to the growth of the dissemination of information. However, the introduction of social media makes sourcing for information a lot easier. Social media is here to stay, because it’s changing almost everything around us, these days people don’t go to the market to buy things they just go online and buy whatsoever they need to buy. It’s saving time, money, energy and resources. And I am excited because social media is here to stay.

What keeps you going?
I get lots of encouragement from my fans and followers online; because sometimes when I get discouraged due to work load or personal challenges, they are always there for me with the comments and posts to inspire me. So they practically keep me going. Also my passion inspires me too and again, having stayed in this business for four years and I have 6 years more to prove to the world that OloriSupergal is here to stay.

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