Thursday 2 July 2015

SHOCKING: Mother & Daughter Gave Birth Same Week, For One Man

A South African woman, Mildred Mashego, and her daughter Patricia, have entered the record books as the first mother and daughter to give birth to their babies in the same month and for the same man.
Times Live reports that 38-year-old Mashego of Casteel, South Africa, was pregnant when she learned that her 19-year-old daughter was also pregnant, and the two were due just days apart.
But her anger turned to shock when she found out that the man responsible for her daughter’s condition was the same man who was going to be the father of her child, Vincent Malumane.
Patricia was the first to put to bed a bouncing baby boy, with her mother following suit four days after, wait for it, another boy, making them brothers, a nephew, an uncle and grandson.

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