Thursday 26 January 2017

Read What Charly Boy Says About BIAFRA

Needless to say that the igbo man is known to be one of the most entrepreneurial mind in the country. So it is particularly pathetic and unfortunate when some ignorant youths talk about this illusion called Biafra. History should teach us that Nationhood is Bloody, Hard and almost impossible when fantasy is the currency of demand. Even as Nigerians, see how our docility is killing our humanity.
Didn't the fall of Biafra after the genocide and the suffering of my people teach us anything? Haven't we been marginalised enough? I Believe the Failure of the igbo nation is the fault of the people elites and decision makers. Why have we not poured our energy, capacity and Ability into making the South East the Dubai of the Nation as well as the engine room of the Nigerian Economy? Who would be our leaders when the south east is infested with political power grabbers, 419ers, mindless criminals and looters of our commonwealth and resources?

Need I mention names?

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