Friday 6 October 2017

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ghana Is The Most Expensive African Country To Live In - LolarShon

Omolola Owogbele Shonola; a publisher, blogger, fashionista, wife, and mum amongst others. Fondly called Lolarshon, which stands for her luxury brand that promotes West African cultures, fashion and style by showcasing its positive values. Through the Lalarshon Fashion Magazine, she speaks against the erroneous belief that Nigeria, Africa is all about fraud. But that we’ve got brains and beauty.
Lolarshon who also provides consultancy services for fashion brands, in terms of their construction, setting and others in this interview talks about her sojourn in Ghana, Lolarshon fashion Magazine, upcoming event amongst others.

What have you been up to lately?
I just relocated back again from Ghana back to Nigeria, and right now I have started working on my magazine back to back, and more consistent than we have ever been. We just had Yvonne Jegede on the cover of the last edition, which is a sold out. And for the upcoming November/December edition, we have Ninalowo Bolanle on the cover, and Mama Ajasco on the Big and Fabulous, we have a whole lots of other people.
Also, right now I am working on a fashion show, to bring the magazine back online and also to put it on a YouTube channel. All of these will be happening on December 4th, 2017. So that’s all we are working on and you can order your food now online.
With the YouTube channel, we want to create a platform where we bring different designers and people from all areas of fashion to meet. It’s going to be very controversial because we won’t be on the same page with them. We will be on the side of the viewers and they will be talking from their own angle. It’s a platform that will be very engaging, where viewers can participate by writing, coming into the studio to record with us and all that. I realized that fashion itself is very controversial because what works for A might not work for B. and what you think is fashionable is not fashionable to other people. So that’s what we want to tackle.

Having stayed in Ghana for some time before relocating back to Nigeria, what were you involved in there?
I was running a restaurant and was still doing my fashion magazine there. Though it wasn’t as consistent as it is coming back home.

What was your experience in Ghana like?
Ghana is slow, no place like home. Ghana is very slow, I realized that Ghana is good, but Nigeria is fast forward already. It’s a sweet bitter experience because I got to meet new people, I got to realized that there are other cultures in fashion. Their own fashion views is totally different from ours just like Abidjan. Also I was able to discover myself, discover exactly what I needed to do with the fashion magazine. So Ghana for me was good, sweet, bitter experience. Though I wanted things to be fast, but it was like nobody was in a hurry.

Looking at your stay in Ghana comparing it to Nigeria, how would you describe both countries?
Ghana is the most expensive African country to live in. Nigeria is cheap compared to Ghana despite all the challenges we are faced with. The population in Nigeria is huge, when you produce you tend to make more profit. You can actually save living in Nigeria compared to Ghana.

What is the concept behind Lolarshon Magazine?
It’s a fashion magazine which spotlights fashion, culture and arts and people, that is published every two months.

What has your experience being working on the Lolarshon Magazine?
The experience so far is that I realized that the more you publish, the more you discover yourself and what to do more and improve. For me every edition has being a better version of the previous edition. It’s more like I learn everyday what people want, not forgetting that it’s a growing industry. You can’t sleep, you have to be on top of your game, because you have to be fast forward, most people are already in 2018.

As a mother, wife, fashionista and businesswoman, how do you cope with the family runs?
I have three kids and I’m married, I have been able to differentiate Omolola the wife and mother from Lolarshon, the publisher, blogger and the likes. I have tried to create a ‘me time’ for me. And I don’t put my family out there, whatever happens in my home stays there. Like someone said that social media is a market where you come to sell stuffs. So it’s not nice to go to the market and start saying that my husband said this or that. And again the fact that I work for myself gives me the time and the room to say this is when I have to be at home, this is when I have to work and the good thing is one can even work from home. I have good team and everybody is doing what they have to do as at when due. 

What role is your husband playing in this?
They say that behind every successful man there is a woman, but for me I’ll say that behind every successful woman, there’s a good man. My husband has being the brain behind Lolarshon. He has pushed me to be a better person, he has supported me. Days I’m not around, he’s been the one with the kids despite his busy schedule. And my husband has been everything. Without God and him I don’t really know what I would have done. I have been married for 8 years, if I was married to someone else, it would have been a different song right now. I’m married to my best friend and brother. 

Did you close down the restaurant in Ghana?
No, the restaurant in Ghana is still functioning because my younger sister is there and she has a beauty place close to the restaurant, so it’s easy for her to still monitor what I do. Here, I cook for families, because I don’t have a restaurant. I get calls to cater for people, we prepare food for parties and then we sell to the host. The least we cater for is two people, fashion is really what I want to do, but food is a part of me that I can’t disconnect, even when I am not selling, I’m cooking half the time. So I can as well just make money from it. 

Who is Omolola?
Omolola is a creative person which switches, this minute I’m very sweet and the next minute, I’m just by myself. I like to be me, I make friends a lot and I believe in what so ever happens in Rome stays in Rome. And I don’t take whatsoever happens on the road home with me. I’m a home person so I find time to relax at home with the kids. 

What should we look forward to in the forthcoming fashion show?
It’s going to be awesome and interesting. No protocols, human mannequins, comedies, music, the unveiling of the You Tube channel, the blog and there will be a lot of give away. There will also be meet and greet with the cover model, Ninalowo Balanle, where his fans and followers can rock the red carpet with him. It’s not going to be the stereotype kind of concert but a festival like one, which will have in attendance a number of Nigeria entertainment and fashion stars. The highpoint of the night will be the unveiling of the online presence of the Lolarshon Magazine and also the new edition which I’m super excited about its content. 

What other information would you like to pass across about the event?
For the forthcoming event we have stand for people to buy and there’s space for brands to give back to the society.  We call on corporate organization to be part of this epoch-making concert. In case you want to be part of this, just follow us on Social media @Lolarshon Fashion Magazine, you can DM us and then we will respond to you.

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