Thursday 28 March 2019

#Genius100 Honoree Obiageli Ezekwesili Joins Other Global Thought Leaders To Unveil World’s First 3D Book

#Genius100 Honoree Obiageli Ezekwesili Joins Other Global Thought Leaders To Unveil World’s First 3D Book, Receives Howard University’s Vanguard Award

Nigeria’s Obiageli Ezekwesili, who was in 2018 honored as one of Albert Einstein Foundation Genius 100, has joined other global thought leaders in Florida, United States of America, to launch the world’s first 3D book, #VisionOfTheFuture, a collection of thoughts from selected visionaries titled, ‘Genius: 100 Visions of the Future’.

Ezekwesili, who was selected among “the leading visionaries of our time” by the Foundation, signed the book designed in the likeness of Einstein. 

Printed and bound layer-by-layer through a technologically advanced laser-printing process, the initial prototype of the book was printed at the International Space Station in collaboration with NASA, the Japanese Space Agency, and the European Space Agency. 

Other notable #Genius100 honorees include Paulo Coelho, author of ‘The Alchemist’; Barbara Streisand, award-winning entertainer; Ridley Scott, film director/producer; Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway, and Helen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of Liberia.

Also recently, Ezekwesili who is a former vice-president of the World Bank for Africa, was Keynote Speaker and recipient of the Vanguard Woman of the Year Award presented by Howard University, in recognition of “her trail blazing contribution to Africa and global development and for setting a path for younger generations”.

Speaking on the worldwide theme #BalanceForBetter at the International Women’s Day Celebration held at the University’s Interdisciplinary Research Building, Washington D.C, Ezekwesili emphasized that it was important for government and business to collaborate in deliberate policies and actions to increase the number of girls and women in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics. 

She stressed that leaders and decision-makers in government and business wield enormous power to champion the cause of girls and women and remove cultural, economic, structural, systemic and institutional barriers that prevent their maximum contribution to development.

The event included a moderated panel featuring Hauwa Ibrahim, Ph.D. human rights lawyer and winner of the European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize, Obiageli Ezekwesili, and moderated by seasoned international broadcast journalist, Linord Moudou.

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