Friday 10 March 2017

Chicago Twins Get 62 College Acceptances, Score More Than $1M in Scholarships

The college acceptance letters kept coming for a pair of twins in Chicago. And coming. And coming.

High school seniors Shaprice and Deprice Hunt, 19, got into about 60 colleges combined, and scored more than $1.6 million in scholarship offers.
"There were a couple schools I knew I would get into, and a couple where it was like, 'Wow, this is exciting," said Deprice, who was accepted by 27 of the 29 schools to which he applied. "It kept getting better and better, and I just got more excited."
Shaprice applied to 50 colleges and got into 35 of them, which she said "was a surprise."
"I didn't know I was smart enough for most of the schools I got accepted to," she told NBC News.

Among the many colleges one or both twins got into: Howard University, Western Kentucky University, Northern Illinois University, and the University of Alabama. They applied to 25 of the same schools and received a total of 62 acceptance letters.
The fraternal twins are no stranger to educational accolades. They both racked up awards throughout high school for various accomplishments such as making the dean's list and perfect attendance, and for achievements in activism and sports.
Shaprice has narrowed down her choices to a small list of colleges and said she'll decide in the next few days where she wants to go. Deprice is going to Morehouse College in Atlanta, an all-male, historically black institution, where he plans to study performing arts and political science.
While several of the schools he got into offered him full rides, Deprice chose Morehouse because it was his "dream" school — even though its financial aid package was lacking, he said.
"I chose that over all the scholarships because to me, it's not about the money, but it's about where I feel comfortable," he said.
The twins hope their story will help other students.
"I'm hoping to inspire younger generations to never give up and keep working and stay focused," said Shaprice, who plans to study education and play basketball in college.
Deprice added: "In Chicago, there's a huge array of violence. I hope to inspire people not just in my community and school but also in the city and around the country with how much work we put in for these opportunities." 

Culled from

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